Ruth of Boston


Follow Ruth’s journey in colonial Boston, where she faces the Pequot War, endures famine, and adapts to a new school, offering young readers a vivid history lesson.

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Step back in time and navigate the challenges of the New World with Ruth, a ten-year-old Puritan girl setting roots in what would soon become the bustling heart of New England, Boston. In this evocative tale by James Otis, the richness of Puritan daily life unfolds, from the simplicity of preparing meals and attending church, to the rigor of schoolwork and household tasks. But it’s not just the daily routines that shape Ruth’s world; her interactions with the native tribes and her perspective on unfolding historical events provide a unique window into the Puritan ethos. Join Ruth’s journey and immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of life, faith, and discovery in early Boston. Experience history as it weaves its story through the eyes of a young settler.

Book Size

5.5 x 8.5 in


Black & white

Cover Finish


Font Size

Cardo 13pt


72 black and white images

Page Count


Paper Color


Paper Weight




Softcover, Hardcover, PDF



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